Welcome to Roots of Resistance: Radical Kansas

Welcome to the introduction of Roots of Radical Kansas.
I'm Lindsay, a lifelong Kansan, and this podcast is all about the everyday people who stood up, fought back, and changed history right here in Kansas.

If you're from here, you've probably heard the same tired stereotypes - nothing but wheat fields, conservative politics. But Kansas has a deep, radical history, from labor fights to powerful social movements, led by everyday people organizing.

After a few decades of civic involvement and political volunteering, I've learned that real change doesn't come from boardrooms or even politicians themselves.
It starts with everyday folks coming together in our neighborhoods, in our towns, and in our workplaces to push for something better.

We're covering 13 powerful stories in this series, like:
The farmers and workers in Western Kansas who took on corporate power.
The Mexican American laborers fighting for fair wages in the sugar beet fields of Southwest Kansas.
The disability activist in Topeka who helped spark a national movement for accessibility.

And I've gotta say, one of the episodes I'm most excited about is Episode 3, where we explore the story of Nicodemus, a Black settlement founded by Exodusters that still stands today. I grew up not far from there, so this one felt especially meaningful.

We'll break down how these movements worked, who was involved, what they won or lost, and what lessons we can take into today’s fights.

Whether that’s labor rights, public education, reproductive justice, or immigration rights—history isn’t just something that happens to us. It’s something we shape. It’s something we build. If we learn from those who came before us, we can continue their fight—because it never really ended.

I don’t have any media company backing me, although now may be a good time to share that Roots of Resistance is part of a larger project, Radical Civics, which is launching this spring with zines, videos, and more ways that you can advocate beyond the ballot box.
Right now, it’s just me, a microphone, and a strong belief that these stories matter. Because understanding our past is how we build a better future.

If you’re excited about what we’re doing, here’s how you can help:

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Episode 1 is out today. If we’re going to understand the radical history of Kansas, we have to start at the very beginning—with the Indigenous peoples who have cared for this land for generations, resisted colonization, and continue to fight for their sovereignty.
Their story isn’t just about history—it’s ongoing, and deeply tied to every fight for justice that has come after.

Learning our history is an act of resistance, and we understand the battles that came before us. We’re better prepared for the ones that lie ahead.

Until next time, stay informed, stay engaged, and keep resisting.

Welcome to Roots of Resistance: Radical Kansas
Broadcast by